To maintain your membership of the European College of Veterinary Neurology please send the appropriate payment details to the Treasurer.
Failure of payment of your ECVN membership fee may result in removal of your name from the list of ECVN Diplomates. Joining or renewing your membership of the ECVN
Other members
Associate members - Scientists who have contributed significantly to research in veterinary neurology can become Associate Members of the College. Admission criteria for Associate Members are defined by the Board of the College. These criteria have to ascertain that only scientists of international repute who are active in the field covered by the college are admitted as Associate Members. See article 4, section 8 of ECVN Constitution for more information
Honorary members - The College may confer Honorary Member status on persons who have made exceptional contributions to veterinary neurology. Honorary Members shall have all the rights and privileges of Diplomates except the right to vote at the Annual General Meeting or hold office in the College. Nomination for Honorary Member status necessitates proposal by two Diplomates of good standing. See article 4, section 7 of ECVN Constitution for more information